PT. Fizi International Trade

Top Exporter of Fresh Tropical Fruit

PT. Fizi International Trade is a company from indonesia that engaged in export, especially in fruit products, we export fruit from Indonesia to many countries. We collaborate with many farmers in Sumatra, West Java and East Java to supply the best fruit with the best quality in our country, and sent it to various countries in the world using airplane and sea freight.

Trusted Clients
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Years Experience
Completed Projects
Profesional & Experts

Our Products

Learn more about our product. You can see our product here, click to see more detail about our product.

The Largest Tropical Fruit Growing and Exporting Company

Various fruit plants can adapt well in Indonesia, thriving in the country’s diverse agro-climate conditions. These conditions range from coastal areas to mountainous regions, providing a suitable environment for a wide variety of fruits to grow and flourish. This adaptability ensures a rich and diverse supply of fruits throughout the region.

Meet The Founder

We have a team of highly skilled, committed and motivated professionals specializing in respective core fields.

Rafito M.R


  • Our Company is made up of a group of highly skilled and professionals who pays a lot of attention to small details.


Jl. Kampung Kalibata no 47, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, 12640.

Working Hours

  • Mon - Fri

    7am - 5pm
  • Sat & Sun

    11am - 3pm

For Support

  • Mail :
  • Phone :

    +62 859 7273 8668